Call of duty multiplayer reveal cold war
Call of duty multiplayer reveal cold war

Check online here for pre-order information. This period will be open for PS4 players. If you’re an Xbox One or PC owner and want to play Weekend 2 of the beta for the longest possible time, be sure to pre-order.

  • Weekend 2: Early Access – The first two days of the weekend–Thursday, October 15, and Friday, October 16–are available for early access to anyone who has pre-ordered or pre-purchased the game on Xbox One/ Xbox Series X, or on PC via Blizzard respectively.
  • call of duty multiplayer reveal cold war

    If you’re a PlayStation 4 owner, regardless of whether or not you pre-ordered the game, you can resume and continue to play the open beta free for the entire Weekend 2 period. The second beta weekend is for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC owners, starting from Thursday, October 15, and running to Monday, October 19. Weekend 2: PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC Beta (Cross-Play) If you’ve got a PlayStation 4 and an internet connection, you should be ready to engage, though PlayStation Plus may be a requirement in some territories. Weekend 1: Open – Saturday October 10, to Monday, October 12 is free to all PlayStation 4 owners.Weekend 1: Early Access – Thursday, October 8, and Friday, October 9 are available for early access on PlayStation 4 to players who have pre-ordered Black Ops Cold War on PlayStation 4 or PlayStation 5.The first Beta Weekend is exclusively for PlayStation 4 owners, running from Thursday, October 8 to Monday, October 12. There are two weekends of Black Ops Cold War beta content with each “weekend” lasting a total of around five days, scheduled to begin each Thursday morning at 10:00 a.m. Read the latest information below: Early Access and Open Beta Times

    call of duty multiplayer reveal cold war

    View the multiplayer reveal trailer below:

    call of duty multiplayer reveal cold war

    Publisher Activision and developer Treyarch have revealed the multiplayer mode for Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War and the beta schedule. By William D'Angelo, posted on 09 September 2020 / 1,567 Views

    Call of duty multiplayer reveal cold war