Darkest dungeon long cove party
Darkest dungeon long cove party

darkest dungeon long cove party

We all know this story right? A grand ship who cannot possibly sink sails forth, ignoring basic caution and common sense. Without further delay.ĭarkest Dungeon - The Story of the Iceberg. you shouldn't have clicked on the thread at all. Lastly, if you're sick about hearing about how some flash game deceived a bunch of people. Third, you should be aware that even the vague allusions I made publicly about having this article published put them in such a panic that they immediately ran off, found a media outlet of similar intregity and quality as themselves, and promoted their delusional narrative there in a desperate bid for damage control.

darkest dungeon long cove party

If you believe that this is merely the product of "not liking" the game I also recommend you employ the back button on your browser, because if that is the only problem with a game I will just ignore it. If you are not interested in an honest review of a game that had nothing going for it except the ultimately unrealized promise of future potential you should Alt + Left Arrow now, as "balanced" reviews are reserved for games that have both positive and negative qualities I can acknowledge. Fair warning: This will be very long and very negative.

Darkest dungeon long cove party